My poor sweet darling baby boy has something going on.
As soon as I walked in the door yesterday Michael told me that he just seemed off and had not slept good at all for his naps. I figured since he was exhausted that I would let him get a cat nap in. We laid in the chair together and he drifted off into sleep so I not thinking decided to get him in his crib. Well that was a big giant FAIL he woke up and was raising his arms to me all while having tears in his eyes. I scooped him up and just came to the conclusion that I had to make dinner one handed (hubby was at an appointment). I got the garlic bread in the oven and he seemed pretty happy so I put him in his high chair with some toys.
He was actually pretty decent and let me cook dinner (mac n cheese!!!!) But then once dinner was done and we were ready to eat......well that was when the shit show started. He did not want to be put down. At all. For even a second. So my hubby ate while I held grumpy pants. Then I inhaled my dinner while Michael held G. We did our bed time routine half an hour early because boy could not even keep his eyes open. He ate good so that made me feel better but he felt warm to me so I took his temp. It was 100.4. I gave him Tylenol and he was in bed by 6:15. He slept until 10:15 and then it was battle royal. He did NOT want to be put down. SO I held him in the glider and slept on and off until 2:30 then he was up and wriggling like a freaking fish out of water. Well a couple passes of gas and he passed out for half an hour then he was up until 4:00 couple more passes and he went down until 6:00 this morning when I had to get him up for daycare. He didn't have a fever and I CANNOT miss work on Wednesday's so I took him. However my sister is off work today so she had him picked up before 8:15 this morning.
I feel better that he is home with his Aunt. Don't know why just gives me piece of mind.
I think last nights shit show was mixture of gas (from the Karo syrup from him being constipated and having to strain during pooping insert sad face and the fact that the fix for one thing causes a whole different problem!) and teething/head cold. I hate when he is sick and has those sick eyes.
We have been battling stuffy nose syndrome for 2 weeks now. And I'm for real considering getting him adjusted at the chiropractor because to be honest we both need relief from the wiping and fighting the wiping of the nose.
Here's to 3:30 when I drag myself home to take a nap because 3 UN-consecutive hours of sleep make this girl a hot mess.
As soon as I walked in the door yesterday Michael told me that he just seemed off and had not slept good at all for his naps. I figured since he was exhausted that I would let him get a cat nap in. We laid in the chair together and he drifted off into sleep so I not thinking decided to get him in his crib. Well that was a big giant FAIL he woke up and was raising his arms to me all while having tears in his eyes. I scooped him up and just came to the conclusion that I had to make dinner one handed (hubby was at an appointment). I got the garlic bread in the oven and he seemed pretty happy so I put him in his high chair with some toys.
He was actually pretty decent and let me cook dinner (mac n cheese!!!!) But then once dinner was done and we were ready to eat......well that was when the shit show started. He did not want to be put down. At all. For even a second. So my hubby ate while I held grumpy pants. Then I inhaled my dinner while Michael held G. We did our bed time routine half an hour early because boy could not even keep his eyes open. He ate good so that made me feel better but he felt warm to me so I took his temp. It was 100.4. I gave him Tylenol and he was in bed by 6:15. He slept until 10:15 and then it was battle royal. He did NOT want to be put down. SO I held him in the glider and slept on and off until 2:30 then he was up and wriggling like a freaking fish out of water. Well a couple passes of gas and he passed out for half an hour then he was up until 4:00 couple more passes and he went down until 6:00 this morning when I had to get him up for daycare. He didn't have a fever and I CANNOT miss work on Wednesday's so I took him. However my sister is off work today so she had him picked up before 8:15 this morning.
I feel better that he is home with his Aunt. Don't know why just gives me piece of mind.
I think last nights shit show was mixture of gas (from the Karo syrup from him being constipated and having to strain during pooping insert sad face and the fact that the fix for one thing causes a whole different problem!) and teething/head cold. I hate when he is sick and has those sick eyes.
We have been battling stuffy nose syndrome for 2 weeks now. And I'm for real considering getting him adjusted at the chiropractor because to be honest we both need relief from the wiping and fighting the wiping of the nose.
Here's to 3:30 when I drag myself home to take a nap because 3 UN-consecutive hours of sleep make this girl a hot mess.
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