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When does the sleeping start?

I love love love being a mom.
I love the smiles, the snuggles, the laughs, the milestones. I love it all.
Except the lack of sleep.
My sweet baby boy does not ever sleep through the night!
He fusses and then as soon as we pick him up he fall right back to sleep.
SO that leads me to the horrible, disgusting habit that my husband me and me alone has started. I let him sleep in bed with me after his second wake up.
His bedtime routine is something like this...
7:00-7:15- Bath time with Daddy (and his favorite part of the day) This is the part of the day I quick fold and put away a load of laundry, get his jammy jams (pajama's), and make his bottle.
7:15-7:30- We sing the "Grayson loves lotion" song ( we are freaks crazy parents) and ready 2 books
7:30- Bottle time and he gets rocked to sleep while I hum or sing to him.
He is usually down for the count around 8:30. 9:00 at the latest.
But it seems without fail the last week OK maybe 2 weeks he has been getting up anytime ranging from 12:00 to 3:00 and not because he is hungry.
So one of us will stumble go into his room and pick him up and he is awake. But I swear the second that you pick him up and put his head on your shoulder this kid is snoring. So I lay him back down that lasts a hot second and he is up again. So I drag carry him back into our bedroom and lay down in bed and he will sleep until 7:30-8:00 on the weekends 5:00-5:30 Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (daycare days).
I hear stories about kids sleep 10+ hours!!!
Why oh why is that not my loving perfect little baby???
I have started some research on sleep training but if I'm being honest, I love those few hours of sleep with him. My husband goes to work at 3:30 in the morning so it usually just me and Grayson in the bed. I know sue me and I know I need to end it now so I'm getting his sleep CD ready and starting tonight....OK I might wait until the weekend because Mama bear needs her sleep!

I know no one reads these they are just for me to remember what I'm going through.
But if someone does read and has advice bring it on! I would love it.


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