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26 week bump date

Just for fun at the end I posted my picture from my 20 week lets just say wow how much has changed in 6 weeks.

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain: 40 pounds I go to the doctors today so we will see if this has changed
Maternity clothes? Yes I wish it was acceptable to wear yoga pants all day everyday. Plus this whole winter thing is tough while pregnant because the struggle to get boots on is real. Can it be flip flop weather yet?
Stretch marks? No new ones. Using lotion twice a day morning and night.

Sleep: I take it when I can get it. My hip pain is off the charts and so getting comfortable to sleep is pretty rough I had a really good night of sleep last night so that was good.
Best moment this week: A day date with my hubby, and seeing pictures of Grayson sledding with my parents while we were shopping
Miss Anything? I can’t wait to sleep on my stomach!
 Movement: Yes two ninjas in there. And this week my stomach has started having very lop sided moments

Food cravings: Raisin Bran I could sit down and eat a whole box. I have been digging my yogurt and English muffin with peanut butter. Now that I’m writing this I could go for a nice big chocolate milkshake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The heartburn has been better but I still have some acid reflux. Cutting down on the acid foods has helped but has been hard because I have been digging the little halo oranges
 Gender: Boy and Girl
Labor Signs: Nope

Symptoms: Lower back and hip pain. My stomach has felt like it is going to burst open a couple times this week because of how they have been positioned. Thankfully putting on lotion and laying on my side has relieved it, I know this is something that will just keep happening because I’m only going to get bigger.
Belly Button in or out? Out and Grayson keeps asking me why I have a button sticking out.
Wedding rings on or off? My band is off but my engagement ring is on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!

Looking forward to: Our appointment today. I always like to hear those heartbeats and getting the nursery finished
Grayson: He loves to lay on my belly while we watch TV, plus he keeps telling me that he will help take care of the babies but only to burp them.
So Monday we went and got the rest of the things we need for the twins. Our big things were a second car seat and base and monitor plus a lot of other small things like sheets, burp cloths, swaddles, bottles and bibs. Well I love that we have it all done and I love technology because I was able to price compare on Amazon right in the store and saved us close to $200 because Amazon was cheaper. The rest of the packages should be here today and then over the next two weekends we will work on getting the nursery organized and all ready for the babies. Everything says have it all ready by 30 weeks and I think we will be able to get that done. My Mom is going to come over and help Michael finish up with cleaning and such and then we can organize things. We didn’t buy a ton of clothes because I want to see what size they will be before we go crazy buying newborn and such. Plus the clothes that my family has already bought is more than enough. That little girl has a ton of cute dresses. Michael did pick out one clothing item for each of them and we did get them snow suits for the next winter because they were on sale for $12.00. Can’t beat that. I’m just really so excited and happy. I know that things will get done and that it’s okay to ask for help. I’m really trying to focus on doing special things with Grayson while it’s still just him. I have a fun weekend getaway planned for us next weekend. 


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