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What's up Wednesday

What's Up Wednesday
Linking up with Mix and Match Mama

What were eating this week

Stuffed peppers. Easy peasy
Here is is 

Ground sausage

Peppers (I used yellow and red)



Okay so you cook down your meat until it's not pink and I do this with an onion because I like a little more. Then once it is cooked you add in 2 cups of salsa (or more depending on the amount you like) While that is cooking down I boil my peppers. I cut them long ways so they are like boats. I boil for about 10 mins just until they are soft. I had precooked my brown rice about 5 mins before the peppers were done I sirred that into the meat salsa mixture. 

Once peppers are done lay them in a shallow baking dish and stuff with the meat mixture (I didn't use all my meat mixture but I saved it and used it in a breakfast burrito the next day yum!) then sprinkle with cheese and I baked for 10 mins at 375. Done. Listen the Salsa has all the flavor and spice you need! They were fast and simple.

What I'm reminiscing about

When Grayson was this small. I miss a good baby snuggle

What I'm loving

Ladies run out and get this Oikos Greek Frozen Yogurt if your store has it. I'm an ice cream junkie. I would eat it for dinner every night if my husband let me. So this is a figure friendly version and you cannot tell the difference! I love the cookies and cream but my hubby says the mint chocolate chip is the best! We have salted Carmel to try too! Love It!
Image result for oikos frozen yogurt

What we've been up to

4 Wheeler riding and swinging on the swing set. We just had our back 3 acres cleared out and now we can ride our wheeler back to the pond. It's a new nightly adventure

What I'm dreading

The mosquito's

My poor baby had a delayed reaction to them so he will get bit one day and then wake up like this the next day. I took him to the dr and they say that he is fine just to give him benadryl and keep neosporin on it. So that is what we have been doing. I ordered some Bull Frog and I'm hoping this helps

What I'm working on
My veggie box

It's small but it enough for me to handle. With a toddler I don't have a ton of free time to work on a veggie garden. So some tomato plants and a few pepper plants work well for us. Plus I have a few herb pots that we use all the time!

What I'm excited about

My Birthday! I love my birthday. Plus my sissy and I are having a joint party (we are 4 years 4 days apart) so I can't wait to see the whole family

What I'm watching/reading

I just finished reading Praying Circles Around Your Children. This is a must read and opened my eyes to the power of prayer not only for our children but ourselves as well.

 What I'm listening to

Pearl Jam Backspacer. Sometimes I need a little Eddie Vedder in my life. Track #5 gets me every time.

What I'm wearing

The weather has been up and down like crazy. 50's one day 80's the next so I'm balancing between my spring attire and full on summer.

What I'm doing this weekend

Swim lessons and then NO plans. The next few weekends are insane for us so one final one to relax is nice

What I'm looking forward to Next month

Our mini family vacation to Syracuse. Michael is in a driving competition there and he gets the weekend off with pay to compete plus they pay for our room and our dinner at the banquet. My Dad is going with us and I'm excited to spend some time with him and Grayson while Michael is working. 

What else is new

 A few things are in the works that I'm beyond excited about. I can't wait to share a little later

What is our favorite thing to grill in June
Chicken. This month it is all about chicken and I love it all. 


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