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This that and an update....

I did it I survived my first day of work. It went good.  I only called Michael 32165464 3 times to check on my babies. Not that I don't trust him, just that well for the last 9 ish weeks I have been with them everyday, all day and I missed them. 

So yesterday I signed up for the gym. You could do it on-line and then just had to stop in to get your access key so I signed up Michael and I for the gym and then went after work to pick up our keys. I ran to the grocery store after and got dinner. I got home later than I wanted and the night felt so rushed. But I'm proud to say that I already made it to the gym this morning for my first workout. I decided that on Monday's and Tuesday's I will go before work since they open at 5 and it is 2 seconds from work I really only have to wake up 20 mins earlier and then I get to go home right after work and be with my family, beacuse when I leave at 5:30 in the morning they are all sleeping. Now on Wednesday-Friday it will be after work because I have to take Grayson so school and wait for my mom to come to the house for the twins. But I'm commited to 4 days a week for sure if not 5 just depends on our Friday plans.

Okay so update on our 3 nuggets...

Grayson is just amazing at being a big brother. He loves his babies so hard and he will argue with you until the cows come home that they are in fact his babies and not yours. Love it. However he has a hard time with listening the first time we tell him to do something or ask him something and so we are working on it and spending some significant time in time out lately, but there has been an improvement so we are thankful for that. Plus his eating is getting worse. He will not try any new food (even though we always offer it) and has started to not want to eat is normal things he used to. It's a work in progress and we are just kind of trying anything to get him to eat more than granola bars and cheez its. He is all about Star Wars and being outside. I had to drag him in the other day because it was getting too hot out ( 94!) and he was starting to get rosy cheeks. He took a good nap that day! His nicknames right now are Grapes, Grapeson, Gracer the racer, Grapers, and Grace.

Marshall is still battling a little big of a stuffy nose but we can get him suctioned out pretty good. He is still having gas problems and we have tried new bottles and now our next step will be changing formulas. We go to the doctor on the 5th and we will try and figure out our next move them. We started loosly following Babywise and it has extened their sleep out pretty good. They are now giving me a solid 5-6 hours of sleep a night most nights and napping pretty good throughout the day. The witching hours is between 5-7 which is our craziest time of night because babies have the best timing. They usually always lose their minds the second we take Grayson in for a shower/bath, go figure. Marshall is my jumpy baby as in he jumps when a loud noise startles him and wakes up. He will also be sleeping so sound and then his arms and legs will shoot up and he goes into a straight scream poor thing, I always just figure he was having the falling dream. All those things make him not the best sleeper for naps but at night he does pretty good. He loves to hold his head up and look all around, he's nosy like his big brother. His nicknames as of right now are Marsh, Marshy Moo, Marshkal, Marshall man ( sang to the tune of do you know the muffin man) Marshy Marsh Marsh. (and now we sound crazy ha!)

Charlotte she is my sleeper. She sleeps really good although would prefer to be held. She is not the best eater but the doctor is not concerned. She will eat 4 ounces one feeding, 1 ounce the next, then 2 ounces then back to 4. She is still gaining weight so we just figure she will eat when she is hungry. We do offer a bottle every 3 hours during the day, so even if she is asleep we try to wake her up and feed her. She loves to lay on the activity mat and is not a huge fan of the swing. I love dressing her up in all the girl clothes and she does not seem to mind bows on her head which is good. She is my little red head and I kind of love it. Her nicknames are Sissy, Sis, CC, Char Char, Charlips, and Charlippers. (Okay we are crazy)

Overall we are just surviving. I always say to Michael we are like a swimmer. We look good on the surface  but we are treading water like crazy just trying to stay afloat underneath. I know how fast this goes so I'm trying to soak it all in. But sometimes the lack of sleep/screaming baby makes it hard. One day we might just figure this family of 5 thing out.


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