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Four Things right now

Four things about all of us right now...


One- This boy has finally found his groove in 1st grade. Kinder to 1st was a big adjustment but he's doing well now. And he is a spelling champ! He does sooooo good on his spelling tests!

Two- Hockey is life for this kid. He skates twice a week (once doing a hockey specific clinic and once doing family skate see below) His skills are really growing

Three- He loves reading and so we are riding that wave all the way.

Four- He has to wear his glasses full time now. What started out as hey wear these when you watch TV that is farther away or when you sit farther from the board has turned into needing them full time. Our school has a local organization that comes in and does eye assessments for free for the elementary schools and they sent home a letter saying get him to the eye doctor he needs glasses (well that was the jist of it) and we since we already had glasses from his eye doctor he just started with those full time. 


One- This sweet thing has been in dance now for a few months and his loving it. It's called creative movement where they learn leaps and skipping and things like that and it is just sweet. She is actually taking dance with the same teacher/studio that I went to when I was dancing. Full circle moment right there

Two- She is a little mother. We have baby dolls and stuffed animals that need to be put to bed each and every night. 

Three- She in the last 2 months has decided that she LOVES clothes and shoes. Anytime she gets a new dress or shoes she has to tell everyone try it on and prance around the house. God bless her brothers for dealing with her yelling "BOYS LOOK AT MY NEW DRESS ISN'T IT AMAZING!!!" In the picture above she picked out her own outfit to draw in which explains the paper all over the floor.

Four- She will draw, color and craft all the live long day. I bought her a ream of white paper and she blew threw half of it in no time. Everyone that walks in the house gets a picture from Charlotte


I had to put this picture over Christmas he was just obsessed with Santa and would just beam when he was on his lap

One- Also hockey obsessed. He will sit and watch a full game he's always playing with his hockey playmobile set and walking around with a stick in his hand. 

Two-My animal lover. All my kids love animals but Marshall is OBESESSED with our dog Riley. He is the first person he says good morning to and he must give him a hug goodnight. They can often be found laying together while watching sports and my heart just melts.

Three- Sings his little heart out. He is often heard from the back seat asking for a song just so he can belt it out. His little voice singing at the top of his lungs and mispronouncing words just makes my heart full 

Four- Must have his hair spiked. One time abut 3 weeks ago when I was getting him out of the bath I dried his hair and it stood straight up and I showed him in the mirror to get him to laugh and he yelled "I LOOK LIKE RIDER!" Ya know from Paw Patrol so now we spike him up everyday because he just loves it. 

All of us and hockey 

Michael is gearing up to play in the Blue Light Pond Hockey tournament this weekend. I'm so proud of him and all the work he has put into it. Can't wait to cheer him on this weekend

I'm getting on the ice myself. We have signed up for a family skate class and it's been so nice to be out there all together. I have not been on the ice in years and this is Charlottes first time and she is blowing us all away with how good she is. 


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