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Conferences, Grocery Pick up and trying to get out the door

I had grand plans to document our day on Friday. I was going for an every hour sort of thing and then after the 3rd hour lost track I will shoot for next Friday though we will see
I'm off on Friday's (all the happy faces for a 4 day work week and the $$$ saved on daycare)
It was our February break from school so Grayson is home too.

I get up at 6:15 on Fridays which is sleeping for me because during the week I'm up at 5 and I head downstairs to do a workout. I'm in a funk right now with that stuff but I still move my body. Today I did a 10 min arm video and 10 min lower body video. I stretch for a few mins and I'm done just in time for Grayson to come wandering down the stairs.

I chug some water. Check in with Michael and head upstairs to get Marshall and Charlotte from their beds. They both woke up dry (we are in the throws of potty training and are still in pull ups at night for now) They charge downstairs yelling that they have to pee and demanding yellow muffins (banana) all in the same breath. I get them milk, the boys always want chocolate milk (I use carnation instant breakfast) and Sissy always wants "regular milk", I throw a few packages of mini muffins at them and put on Shrek for 16546 time this week while I take a quick shower. It's not hair washing day so it really will be quick however they barge in the bathroom no less than 8 times during my 6 min shower. They want to know where I am and also can they have chapstick and they need a tissue because they have boogers.

I run upstairs to get dressed they follow because "mommy where are you?" is the background track of my life. I get dressed and pick out their clothes while I'm up there. They of course have opinions who knew at 3 they cared what socks they wear? We negotiate and head downstairs to potty one more time and get dressed.

I wrangled Marshall into his clothes, Sissy dressed her self and Grayson is packing the diaper bag for me. Although now that I think about it it's not a diaper bag anymore what do I call it now? I guess that is food for thought. He puts the toilet seat covers in there some wipes and an extra pull up for each kiddo. Sissy yells in my face that she wants "two pigges mamma!" She picks out which hair ties she wants and I put the two piggies in her curly red hair. I throw on makeup and add another layer of dry shampoo to my hair settle on a pony tail and decide that it's good enough. It's super sunny out today which is a nice change and so I throw my contacts in so I can wear sunglasses. Marshall is not happy about this and tries handing me my eye glasses 16 times.

Coats, hats and shoes for everyone. I fill up water cup for the 4 of us and make my Spark. They all go give Riley a treat while I throw bags and drinks in the car. This is the reason I now have to buy the small milk bones because he gets 3 treats at a time. I take them out one at a time because we have an ice skating rink for a driveway right now. Our weather has been crazy we are currently in the middle of a wind storm so that's fun.
I get in the car put on my sunglasses and all the minions in the back want their sunglasses I have to turn on a song from Shrek to distract them from this request because who knows where those are.

9:15 I'm pulling up to my sister in laws house so my sweet niece can watch the kids while I go to parent teacher conferences for Marshall and Charlotte. She throws me a curve ball and says she is taking all the kids on errands and needs car seats. I wrestle those bad boys out of the car and now I'm sweating.

I make it to the conference right at 9:30 on the dot.
The conference goes better than expected. Not that I thought they are bad just sometimes certain people have unrealistic expectations for 2 year old's ya know? They are moving them up to the next classroom because they are bored and need more stimulation. Well okay then. Also the only thing that we need to work on is getting rid of the pacifier which I know this, however I can only handle one hurdle at a time and at this current moment my hurdle is doing all bodily functions in a potty.

I head to go get my groceries from grocery pick up. I have not had coffee in almost 2 months and so I decide to celebrate the fact that I'm in the car by myself (never happens) by getting a frappacino. It was fabulous. I grab my groceries, run into one other store that I needed some things from and then head to get the kiddos. They are just pulling in as I pull up and they fight leaving so that was fun.

We get home and I plop them all in the house and then unload the groceries. As I'm unloading Charlotte is dumping the bags that I have already brought in.
I feed them lunch and then put the groceries away. One more potty stop for Marshall and Charlotte and up to nap they go. I heat up left over pizza for my lunch and settle in with the TV. I'm exhausted and I decide that a nap would work for me today so I close my eyes and Grayson watches a movie while I sleep. I wake up after about 35 mins and Michael is home.

Grayson and I start to get his clothes around for his sleep over at his cousins house after the birthday party they are going to. He wants a specific outfit that is dirty and so begins a lesson in how to do laundry. When the washer beeps he switches it to the dryer. We wrap the present and I start dinner. Somewhere in there the smallest terrors awoke from their slumber and demanded fruit snacks I give in only because they woke up dry from nap and sometimes I value silence over rules. Once the clothes are dry we pack his bag and get all his swim stuff around. Am I the only one that struggles with mothering and teaching? He is almost six (hold me how is that possible?) and so I feel like he should be able to pack his swim stuff up but honestly sometimes it's just easier to do it myself.

We eat (it's not a healthy meal so I won't show it to you) and then I load up Grayson and drop him off with my sister in law at the party. He is excited gives me a quick kiss and runs off so play. This is the first time he is going to a kids party and I'm not staying.I'm a little nervous but also like high five you got his kid.

I get home and settle in for the night. Michael heads to bed shortly after and then I put the nuggets down. They fight bedtime, I threaten to take away their toys, they laugh it's a fun routine we have. They both decide that they have to use the bathroom even though they just went 15 mins ago. We do that song and dance and they finally give into sleep. I stay up and finish the last season of The Ranch and wait until I know the party is over and he is back at home with my brother and sister in law.

I head to bed around 10:30

I left out the 1,000 times I yelled "stop hitting your brother/sister"
Or the 500 times I said  "you cant sit on your brothers head!" This is always Charlotte in retaliation for when they hit her, pull her hair or throw her baby dolls down the stairs.
Or my favorite "please for the love of all that is holy don't play on the stairs!"

But I also didn't document every sweet moment because I was just in them. 
Like when Grayson covered me up while I was taking a nap and kissed my forehead. Or how he told me on the way to the party that he was going to be kind to everyone. How Charlotte dumped all my groceries out of their bags but was so proud and kept yelling "yook mamma I'm helping you yay I'm a big girl and I wear underwear like mommy!"

It's crazy most days and there are times I catch myself counting down the minutes until the next time they sleep because silence is needed. But it's my normal and it's loud and I love it.

This sweet moment is brought to you by the bribe of 15 mins of iPad time for pooping in the potty. Chances are it was Marshall who did the actual deed but they all celebrate and take advantage of the iPad reward. 


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