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Happy 2nd Birthday Charlotte and Marshall

Here we are and we have two 2 year old! It's crazy because I feel like we were just bringing them home. Time is not my friend

Dear Charlotte,
Baby girl where to start. Well you are loved. You are the perfect definition of a sour patch kid and you live up to your red hair.
You have both of your brothers wrapped around your finger. They give into your every wimper and demand. You are a little mama already. You are the first to run to anyone in need. You will say "oh sowwy mommy" when anything happens. Like I stubbed my toe the other day and you came over patted my arm and said "You ok mommy? I sowwy you need kiss?" It was so sweet. You yell to me anytime one if your brothers is crying. "Mommy Sayson cwying!" You say this over and over until I come and see what's going on.

You are still not the best sleeper but we have made great strides. We finally bit the bullet and just pushed through a few hard weeks with you. But you now go to bed awake unwrapped! We usually have to go in and tell you to lay down one or two times. Most nights once you fall asleep you sleep right through.

You love to play blocks right now and take care of all your stuffies. You love to sing to Frozen and you prefer to watch Little Baby Bum because you love the songs. You are a little bit more picky with eating than you were a few months ago but you still eat pretty good. Mac and cheese is your favorite followed by hot dogs dipped in ketchup or chip dip.

You are still a peanut and you have this awesome curly red hair. You are a talker and I have caught you and your brother having full blown conversations in your own little language. Your favorite people are Grayson, Marshall and Libby. You are a mama's girl through and through and always need a few snuggles to wake up in the morning. Stop right now is your favorite thing. If someone is doing something you don't like (like trying to take your toy) you scream "STOP STOP STOP!!!" until they do. You also like to stay Ow but use it in the most dramatic way like when I'm taking your shirt off you will yell OW even though it didn't hurt silly girl.

We love you so much Sissy girl!

Dear Marshall,
Oh Marshy my sweet boy. You have such a kind heart. You are our lover. You hate to see anyone upset you always hug them when they are upset. You are the life of the party. You love to dance and sing. You yell "Elsa" at me about a million time a day because you love the opening song in Frozen.

You are our eater and sleeper. You will try any food and usually you like it. If someone is eating and you are not you are like a baby bird waiting mouth open for a bite. Your favorite foods are chicken nuggets, meatballs, and french fries. You sleep a solid 12+ hours at night and I'm certain it would be longer if Charlotte didn't wake you up. You don't mind if she wakes you up but if Daddy or I wake you up you need a good half an hour

You will play with whatever Grayson wants to play with you. Action figures, Star Wars, doctor, as long as he is playing with you you are happy. Coloring is a close second and you will color for hours. Your teacher told us that you have the hardest time when craft time stops at school you just want to sit there and paint and color all the the long day.

You are a solid boy and you are all boy. You run, jump, fling your self off the couch all the time. You have the best hair and I remember at 2 giving Grayson the big boy hair cut but I just can't with you. Those blonde locks just need to stay longer for a while. You give amazing hugs and squeeze so tight. My favorite though is when I go to pick you up from school and you squeal so loud and yell Mommy! Melts my heart every time! You love love love to be outside. And to be a helper. Every morning you throw out diapers and put dirty clothes in the basket for me. Then you will say "aww doneies mommy" You and your brother wrestle and give me a heart attack daily but you hold your own boy and there have been a few times where your brother has needed my assistance to get you off of him ha! I fear for the teenage years of wrestling matches.

We love you Marshy Mellow with all our hearts!

Happy 2nd Birthday my babies!!!


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