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29 week bump date

And just for fun a difference between 23 and 29 I have gotten so big 

How far along? 29 weeks

Total weight gain: 48 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes 

Stretch marks? Yes and it is what it is.

Sleep: Staying asleep is a problem because I flip and flop from my left to my right side the other night I saw almost every hour on the clock.  

Best moment this week: Going on a little shopping trip with my mom. It was short and sweet but I needed some one on one time with my Mama. Plus I got some super cute newborn sleepers for the twins

Miss Anything? I can’t wait to sleep on my stomach or back really anywhere but my side at this point

 Movement: Big movements like my stomach takes on many forms and can be downright painful when they move in opposite directions. Plus baby Boy is breech and so his head is up in my rib which is quite painful.

Food cravings: Cadburry cream eggs. Pizza logs w/ranch and still cereal all day every day.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Acid reflux is in full force again no matter what I eat. I drank water too fast the other day (I guess?) and I threw it all up. I think it has to do with the fact that baby boy is so high up and they are just pushing everything everywhere. Doctor says to eat an apple and that will help so I have a huge bowl full at home now, we will see.

Gender: Boy and Girl

Labor Signs: Nope

Symptoms: Just overall my body is achy. I’m measuring 40+ weeks pregnant so that has a lot to do with it plus I have 6 + pounds of baby and two of everything so that extra weight is starting to take its toll on my body.

Belly Button in or out? Out 

Wedding rings on or off? Off
Happy or Moody most of the time: HAPPY!

Looking forward to: A day of sleeping in. My mom is taking Grayson overnight Friday to Saturday and so I will get to sleep in Saturday morning which this pregnant lady is excited about.

Grayson: He told me he is ready for my belly to not be big again. Poor boy gets frustrated that I can’t give him a bath or get down on the floor and play with him. I have been trying really hard to make sure that I snuggle on the couch while we watch a movie or read books but I get it he wants the fun mommy back not the one that says “I can’t pick you up like that my belly is too big” Soon my love we are in single digit weekly countdown anywhere from 5-8 week until these babies are here. 

So this week my mental state has started to have some trouble. I think it’s just the unknown of it all.  I had it set in my mind that I would be working until the end of this month and well that’s not going to happen. As of today I have one week left of work and even that I had to fight for. So March 17th will be my last day until after the babies. I have had a hard time wrapping my head around this. The doctor has two major concerns, One driving, he prefers I not drive everyday to and from work and two that I’m already measuring 40+ weeks pregnant and he wants my body in the most relaxed state as possible as to keep the babies in as long as possible. He keeps telling me that he is hoping I make it to 34 weeks (that way I can stay at my hospital and not have to go to a different one with a higher level NICU) but I want to make it to 36 week plus. So if stopping work is what I have to do then that’s just how it is. My parents will still be picking up Grayson and taking him to daycare 3 days a week so that his schedule stays the same, and that way I really can just relax on those days. This is all just a shock and knowing that in as soon as 5 weeks we could have babies is just hard to hear. Plus my body aching and feeling like it’s falling apart isn’t helping. Here’s hoping this next week goes by fast and that once I’m home I really can just relax and keep these sweet babies cooking as long as possible.Plus there are things I can't do like take Grayson to the Easter egg hunt this weekend (so thankful that my Momma is doing this for me) and I can't bowl when we go bowling for his birthday. I know this time will be fleeting and just a blip on the radar and that the end result of all the sacrifices of having two babies will be worth it sometimes I just let it get the best of me.


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