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Friday Favorites

Before we get to the fun stuff I just want to say that this day is such a huge day for our country.

I didn't participate in Andrea's post about 9/11 but I was in my 9th grade earth science class when another teacher came running in with a TV cart and turning it on. We sat and watched the second tower get hit and I remember feeling like it was a movie. It didn't seem real. The rest of the day we were either in a classroom with cable or the gym. A teacher at our school had a daughter that worked in the Towers and she was a mess it took her 2 hours to get a hold of her and she was thankfully home. Her boss had cancelled her morning meeting so she wasn't going into work until later. A perfect example of God at work. 
I left school to go to my physical therapy appointment and sat on the mat and watched it play over and over again. I remember praying so hard that it was a dream. It for sure changed my world (as it did every one's) that day. I mean I watched on TV as people jumped out of buildings and I just remember thinking how will we ever recover from this? How could this happen? I do know that this county is an amazing one in the fact that hundreds of thousands of people went into those buildings to save people and risked everything they had to do so. 
9/11 we will never forget.

Ok now FUN stuff!!!

Linking up with Andrea


Michael had Sunday off after my Gram's 90th birthday party and so we relaxed and all took naps and then after nap I snagged one of my favorite pictures ever. A little father son jam session

Plus this one he had to wear is hat just like daddy!

Grayson it potty trained! I have a whole post on what worked for us but this week we got him his fish that he named Blaze. Blaze is for sure a new favorite at our house this week

Mix and Match Mama does it again with a simple yummy recipe. Okay so this one comes on a little of a sad note. One of my sweetest friends was in a horrific accident on Wednesday. It's a miracle that she only sustained the injuries she has but still those are pretty severe (broken vertebrae and ribs) so I needed a quick something pumpkin to bring her since pumpkin is her favorite. Well 3 ingredients and I was done with a treat for her! I linked to the one on her website but she posted it on Instagram too but used a chocolate cake mix instead so that's what I went with and I also added a little Cinnamon to give it some extra flavor!
This picture is from her site

I started burning my B&BW candles this week because after Labor day is fair game and this is still hands down my favorite
Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin 3-Wick Candle - Home Fragrance 1037181 - Bath & Body Works
Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin 3-Wick Candle - Home Fragrance 1037181 - Bath & Body Works

Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin 3-Wick Candle - Home Fragrance 1037181 - Bath & Body Works

Since Grayson is potty trained he runs around in just underwear a ton now. I snapped this picture of him and I know it's a little blurry but I die he is such a mess
Mommy's sunnies coloring and underwear! 

Happy Friday!


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