May and June were 2 of the busiest month we have had in a while and so updating out debt journey took a back seat. So in the months of June and July we paid off $6000 worth of debt! We are so excited!!! We originally had September as a goal to having the truck paid for but with cash flowing things we are shooting for November if not sooner. Once this truck is paid off this will be the first car that I have owned since we have been married. I was stuck in the buying/leasing a new car cycle and I'm proud to be off that wheel. $6000 is a great number and we are still on track to hit our original goal of being debt free except the house by August of 2019. I still sometimes have to sit back and think about how much our behavior has changed. We do not have a single credit card. Not one. This time last year we have 5 credit cards. That in and of itself is such a huge accomplishment. Another aspect of this that has been such an eye opener is talking to Grayson about mon
Just a working Mom making memories and enjoying life!